About Dr Jerry Wintrob

About Dr Jerry Wintrob

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Dr Jerry Wintrob has been a practicing optometrist for more than 30 years.

Dr. Jerry Wintrob knows the symptoms and hardships of vision-related challenges firsthand. He also knows the relief and joy of effective vision therapy treatment.
When Dr. Wintrob was a child he suffered from a turned eye. His parents were insightful enough to enroll him in a vision therapy program and over time his problem was corrected. At the same time, it was discovered that he was nearsighted and needed glasses. His dependency on glasses was never addressed and his prescription continued to increase. When he became involved in optometry and vision therapy, he began to do exercises for himself.
Today Dr Wintrob is motivated by a desire to help each and every person he meets. Dr Wintrob works hard to offer care which is compassionate, personal and effective.
Dr. Wintrob is a devotee of his own personal growth. He has taken numerous workshops and trainings -  too many countless to name here, all with the intention of evolving himself to the highest level possible. 

"I am motivated by my concern and love for each and every person who gives me the honor of allowing me to participate in the care of their eyes."

-Dr Jerry Wintrob

"I knew from when I entered optometry school that I would dedicate myself to practicing vision therapy. I had significant eye problems as a child, as a result I became versed in vision issues from a very young age. My experiences motivate me topractice the best compassionate eye care possible."

-Dr Jerry Wintrob

"I practice holistic medicine, because I live holistic medicine. I am a perpetual student of holistic modalities and have been for most of my life. I believe very much in the mind body connection and try to incorporate it into my family’s life."

-Dr Jerry Wintrob

As someone who has been challenged his whole life by visual problems, Dr. Wintrob is particularly sensitive to the issues that arise during a vision exam. He combines a theoretical body of knowledge and weaves it into his own personal journey. It is the unique integration of the personal with the professional that he brings to his work.

As a former NYC school teacher, Dr. Wintrob has seen countless children who he now recognizes had undiagnosed vision problems and were never able to attain the levels of success that one would expect from their intellect. To this day, he regularly meets adults whose entire lives have been negatively affected by easily treated conditions.

When Dr Wintrob began his optometry practice he decided that doing exercises with school children who had visual problems affecting their learning was the ideal way to practice. 

Over 30 years ago Dr. Wintrob became involved in Holistic Health for himself. He became a vegetarian and began practicing Yoga. He found that his energy increased and he felt much better. As he began to explore other modalities of Holistic Health, he realized that he could use these treatments for his patients and they too could experience many of the things that he was discovering for himself.
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Dr Wintrob’s Background

  • Dr. Wintrob has been asked to serve on the Board of Directors of The North American Light Association
  • Dr. Wintrob received his Doctorate in Optometry from the State University of New York College of Optometry in 1983 and has been in private practice for more than 30 years.
  • Speaker at the International Syntonic Conference in 2019.
  • Certificate of completion of the Sound and Music Institute at the NY Open Center - NYC - 2018
  • Dr. Wintrob has served as a workshop lecturer at the following organizations: The New York Open Center, The Learning Annex, The Seminar Center, and the New York City Public and Private School System.
  • Dr. Wintrob is a former member of the Board of Directors of the Nutritional Optometry Institute.
  • Dr. Wintrob is the author of the “Vision and Emotion” chapter in The Whole Mind.
  • Dr. Wintrob has been featured on Gary Null’s Alternative Vision Video as seen on PBS and has appeared on Fox’s Good Day New York as an expert on computer eye strain.
  • Dr. Wintrob is a former NYC School Teacher with an M.A. in Education.
  • Certification in the practice of Esogetic Colorpuncture - 2005
  •  1985 - 2 terms of study in Herbalism and a certificate from the Meadowsweet Herbal Apothecary School
  • Apprentice in Wise Woman Healing Herbalism with Robin Rose Bennett
  • Many trainings in personal growth at the Omega Institute, Rhinebeck NY
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