One of the problems with traditional care is that doctors often dictate solutions to their patients and may even get defensive when questioned.
Dr. Wintrob believes that you are the expert on your needs and should therefore be an active participant in your own healing.
Dr. Wintrob will spend real time with you explaining his findings and will also describe the different options for treatment. Then you and Dr. Wintrob, as a team, will decide on what is the best course of action. Working with Dr Wintrob you are an empowered driver in your healing process.
Dr. Wintrob provides genuine safety and caring for his patients. You are not just another person in a long line. By engaging in a team process with him, your healing will be facilitated and can occur more rapidly.
Traditionally prescribed eye glasses treat the symptom and not the cause. We need to discover the cause of your vision problem and then treat you with lenses, exercises and/or ergonomic adjustments.
For convenience, Dr. Wintrob also provides eyeglasses and contact lenses on site so that you can feel confident that your lenses are properly fit and will complement the healing process.
Many of us develop symptoms related to our eyes due to the misuse and maladaptation of our visual system. Symptoms include: headaches, blurred vision, eye strain, eye disease, learning problems, increasing prescriptions, turned eye and more.
Nearly all humans are born with the potential for good eyesight, but vision – the ability to identify, interpret and understand what is seen – is learned and developed, starting from birth. In learning to walk, a child begins by creeping, crawling, standing, walking with assistance, and finally, walking unaided. A similar process from gross to fine motor control takes place in the development of vision.
One visual skill builds on another, step-by-step as we grow. But many people miss a step or do not complete one and must then begin to perform in school or other visually demanding tasks before an acceptable foundation of basic visual skills is in place.
Science indicates that we do not “see” with our eyes or our brain; rather, vision is the reception and processing of visual information by the total person. Since 80% of all information we receive is visual, it becomes clear that efficient visual skills are a critical part of learning, working and even recreation.
Developing visual skills includes learning to use both eyes together effectively. Having both eyes move, align, fixate and focus as a team enhances your ability to interpret and understand the potential visual information that is available to you.
Intelligent people who are very highly motivated can be good achievers, even with very poor visual skills and abilities, but at untold cost, wasted energy and unnecessary effort and stress. For those who are less motivated, even one or two deficient visual skills can produce enough stress and frustration to create a non-achiever.
Vision therapy can provide visual skills that will enhance vision.
Besides treating visual problems, vision therapy can be used to improve the visual skills of a patient without any noticeable symptoms. Vision Enhancement enables the patient to increase their visual processing to become an effortless process with the highest level of performance.
It is said that 80% of what we learn comes in through the visual sense. Many of us over use it to the exclusion of all the other senses. Oftentimes we think of “treatment” of a condition as the only reason to seek out a doctor. Dr. Wintrob has worked with many patients over the years to enhance the way they visually process. By using vision therapy techniques including color and sound, Dr. Wintrob helps to teach you a deeper sense of awareness as to how your visual sense can be combined with your other senses to process at a peak potential. He has worked with patients from all walks of life, including actors, artists, Wall Street executives, athletes as well as people on a more intimate spiritual path in helping them realize their full abilities.
Blue light is the part of the spectrum that is responsible for such diseases as macular degeneration and cataracts. Normally these diseases are conditions that manifest in the older population but there is new research to suggest that this generation that is being so over exposed to blue light will begin to develop these issues at a much younger age - possibly in their 40s and 50s.
In my office we are suggesting to patients that they put a special lens called Blutech that effectively filters much of the blue light. Dr. Wintrob and his staff wear these filters full time and have reported a great improvement in their overall eye comfort.